prestained protein ladder (6,5 - 270 kDa)

Der bunte Tobias- Applications, Description and Storage


SDS-PAGE (SDS), Western Blotting (WB)


Der Bunte Tobias is a prestained protein ladder including
a combination of 10 pre-stained proteins with molecular
weights from 6.5 to 270 kDa. The 10 recombinant
proteins are covalently coupled with blue chromophore,
while 2 orange bands at 30 kDa and 270 kDa and a
green band at 52 kDa serve as reference bands.

Der Bunte Tobias keeps track of the size and separation
of proteins during SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis,
approximating protein size and validating Western transfer
efficiency on PVDF, nylon, or nitrocellulose membranes.


Stable up to 2 weeks at 25°C
Stable up to 3 months at 4°C
Stable up to 24 months at -20°C


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Ordering Information


Catalog number Item Size Price (EUR) Special Price (EUR)*
Der bunte Tobias - prestained protein ladder (6,5 - 270 kDa) 25 µl 0,00  
Der bunte Tobias - prestained protein ladder (6,5 - 270 kDa) 500 µl 145,00 114,00
Der bunte Tobias - prestained protein ladder (6,5 - 270 kDa) 5x500 µl 620,00 499,00
* valid until January 31, 2022. 


Request a Der Bunte Tobias sample (25 µl)

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